
Course Information

Principles of Economics - Macro (ECO2013 (CC12))

Term: Summer Semester 2012 (CC)


Dewith MayneShow MyInfo popup for Dewith Mayne
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Charles P HiattShow MyInfo popup for Charles P Hiatt
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Mon-Tue-Wed-Thu, 8:00 AM - 9:50 AM (5/9/2012 - 6/20/2012) Location: 0001 (Century Center 208 - Lecture)


This course, macroeconomics, pertains to national income, employment, and fiscal policy, monetary policy, economic stability, and current domestic and international economic problems, and is a course in economic principles involving the overall operation of the market economy. Particular attention will be given to the effects of aggregate demand and aggregate supply on the levels of output, employment and prices. This course will also examine how the tools of fiscal and monetary policy may be used in dealing with macroeconomics problems such as unemployment, inflation and economic fluctuation.