
Course Information

Introductory Oceanography (OCE1001 (CC07))

Term: Fall Term 2006 (CC)


Barbara H. DeischShow MyInfo popup for Barbara H. Deisch
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Mon-Wed-Fri, 9:00 AM - 10:50 AM (8/21/2006 - 10/18/2006) Location: 0


OCE 1001 F, W, S INTRODUCTORY OCEANOGRAPHY (3) 3 hours per week This course focuses on the marine environment as a unique feature of the planet Earth. Topics addressed in the course are: historical perspectives of oceanography, ocean bottom topography, characteristics of sea water, waves, winds, currents, tides, coastal features and processes, life in the oceans, and man's impact on the ocean environment. This course may be counted as either a biological OR Physical science credit.