
Course Information

Elementary Physics for the Non- Science Majors (PHY1020 (CC07))

Term: Fall Term 2006 (CC)


Robert D. QuinnellShow MyInfo popup for Robert D. Quinnell
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Mon-Wed-Fri, 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM (8/21/2006 - 12/8/2006) Location: M


PHY 1020 F,W ELEMENTARY PHYSICS FOR NON-SCIENCE MAJORS (3). 3 hours per week. Perequisite: One year high school algebra or equivalent. This course provides a basic introduction to the several traditional divisions of classical physics. These include mechanics, heat, material properties, molecular and atomic structure, electricity and magnetism, wave motion, including light and sound, optics, radioactivity, and the basic postulates of relativity.