
The MyCF web portal is a powerful tool that connects you to your college related information. Please take a few minutes to browse the tutorials below. If you don't find the answers you are looking for, please feel free to contact ITHELP@CF.EDU or call 352-854-2322 ext 1378.

The myCF navigation menu is the dark blue bar located at the top of the screen. Clicking on your picture or icon in the top right of the screen will take you to a page that allows you to change your password and set various options regarding your privacy settings. By clicking 'Logout' you can terminate your myCF session.

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  1. Once logged in, click on your picture or icon in the top right of the window, then select "My profile & settings."    
  2. Select "Password & privacy" on the lefthand sidebar menu. متجر بلاي
  3. Select the down arrow to the right of "Change password." جواهر
  4. Enter your old password, then enter your new password and confirm it. Ensure your password is between 8 and 12 characters long.
  5. Choose a hint question and answer that only you would know the answer to. This question will be used as a second layer of security when changing passwords in the future. يوتيوب تنزيل
  6. Click the blue "Save" button at the bottom of the screen. واتس ويب